New projects on the horizon
Oct 08, 2019
We don't only create new and exciting products for the world of mentalism at Read My Mind. We also always try to enhance and improve our existing products. In recent years we bought out our book test AREA as a mini book, AREA nano. This made it easier to pass as a book you may pick up at a train station or quick read stand for example. The Article was such a huge success that we bought out The Article 2 at the beginning of the year which was another sell out success. This summer by popular demand and pressure we redesigned and hugely improved on the LP which was previously unavailable for many yearsI. Blinkers also became the must have accessory to all of our Blink owners. We are now currently in the process of making The Stand as you can see from the photo which is an accessory for The Article 2. We never stand still and always strive to create and produce the best products we can in the mentalism world and we have an exciting 12 months ahead.